Sep 13, 20213 min read
PTSD The Unseen Hero's Journey
When my husband came home from war, I was entirely unprepared for the invisible wounds that resulted from his deployments.
This is a place where we share with you the tears, joy, challenges, and successes of our country’s amazing veteran caregivers, and we hope you find the content helpful, thoughtful and most of all, inspiring.
April 29, 2024
We first met Veteran Ken and his pup Harley last September when we took them to the Elyria Animal Hospital. Harely needed up-to-date vaccinations and annual license.
A Bucket of Love from Harley
Harley and Ken take a ride
Harley Looking Clean and Happy.
We are sending a Bucket of Love and Hugs to Dr. Alex O'Roark who donated Harley's visit!
After that it was off to the DogGroomer with Hearts of Patriots Director and Co-Founder, Denise for a special Spa treat.
Are you someone who cares deeply about our veterans and the struggle their families face as they live with PTSD? Then this Blog is for You.​
​Are you a combat veteran caregiver seeking information, comfort, resources, support, and hope? Then we're glad you found us. Most of all, we hope this is the place where you learn that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
​This Blog is a place to find actionable resources to educate the community and support our combat veteran caregivers with information, stress release, programs, and more.
​An estimated 1 in 3 combat service members or veterans suffering from invisible wounds of war including TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) and PTSD, are also known as combat trauma.
These individuals can experience flashbacks, nightmares, sleeplessness, depression, memory issues, isolation, anxiety, and sudden and unexpected angry outbursts, creating a profound psychological effect on the veteran.​​
The emotional and behavioral changes associated with combat are devastating not only for the veteran and their family, an effect that continues well beyond the end of their deployment. In fact, the Journey for the family begins the day their veteran returns home.
Our Veteran Caregivers live daily with the consequences of war. Let them know they are not forgotten. Your gift provides programs that support our hidden heroes and their families.